Abortion Judging those having abortions not allowed. We are not to pass judgement on those that have had an abortion as God is judge However He has already passed judgement on all sin, and Abortion is sin against the life of an innocent. We are to show compassion on those broken by abortion for abortion breaks. Just ask anyone who has had one. Abortion is not a modern invention as sin is from Adam and Eve. In order to show compassion it would help that we understood what abortion is and is not. What are the physical things that human woman who have aborted go thru. What are the what are the lasting emotional and Spiritual scars that we carry as a consequence of such an action. Issues: Physical First and foremost is the possibility of never being able to conceive. What a tragedy that a woman could lose her ability to conceive any at all. You heard right according to: (British Journal of OB/GYN, August, 1976) The risk of secondary infertility among women with at least one induced abortion is 3-4 time greater than that among non-aborted women. - http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/getting-pregnant/expert-answers/abortion/faq-20058551 According to this it is not generally thought to cause fertility issues To be fair even abortionists admit to this possibility The ultrasound diagnosis of retained fetal bones in West African patients complaining of infertility. Br J Obstet Gynecol 2000 Source: Fertility and Sterility, Vol 79, Issue 4, April 2003. National Library of Medicine Speaks of infertility at least 2-15 years after an abortion. 2-15 years after an abortion! What dear reader if you want to have a family then? You can't! You can not conceive at all is a very real but not certain risk. There are other risks as well and all of these should be taken into account before making the life impacting decision to abort a pregnancy. For more information on that aspect talk to women who have aborted or go to abortionfacts.com as they have actual research that demonstrates this. Emotional Wounds According to the same source abortionfacts.com The emotional impact of an abortion range from negative feelings in over 50% of a group of 500 studied to the trauma like combat PTSD or shell shock as it used to be called. Wow we need real compassion to deal with this as we are all sinners and need the grace of God. I will not pull any punches this is serious issue and I have not even gotten to the spiritual aspect yet. Where are the happy ones that have aborted? Please look for the testimonies of women who have aborted and you will not see happiness. You will see heart ache and despair and even much therapy sometimes. I get grieved when I hear their stories. Does a fetus feel pain The neural pathways for pain may be traced from sensory receptors in the skin to sensory areas in the cerebral cortex of newborn infants. The density of nociceptive nerve endings in the skin of newborns is similar to or greater than that in adult skin.24 Cutaneous sensory receptors appear in the perioral area of the human fetus in the 7th week of gestation; they spread to the rest of the face, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet by the 11th week, to the trunk and proximal parts of the arms and legs by the 15th week, and to all cutaneous and mucous surfaces by the 20th week.25,26 This is an excerpt from the THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, Volume 317, Number 21: Pages 1321-1329, 19 November 1987. Did you get that as far back as 1987 it was thought that fetuses could feel pain as early as 7th week of gestation in some parts of the body. Spiritual Ones Is it murder? I am not judge, God the author of Life is judge and as far back as Noah he decreed that man that spilled innocent blood is a murderer. Answer these questions: What is the blood guilt of the slaying of babies? Is abortion the taking of innocent life? Does it spill innocent blood? I must ask what do you think? Is a baby unborn or born an innocent in the eyes of God. I am certain of it. While not unpardonable it is a very serious thing to kill innocent blood. We can look to King David as he had murderd Uriah in battle. Look at the life changing consequences even though he was forgiven. How much more the unborn? Again in I Kings 13:2 The name of a child is mentioned of God before his birth even. How did God know that baby would be born? He knows those that will be born and names them before they are born They live to Him? Do you fear God? Do you respect His Right to declare life? I ask you does that sound like a convenient thing to do after all you have read so far. You may only spend a little money for the abortion none at all. But knowing what you know now can you even suggest it is a convenient thing to do? PS139:13-16 God had us thought of when we were just an imperfect substance imperfect as not mature not formed. God seen us complete when we were just a ball of tissue. We lived unto Him as He formed us in the womb. When we do abort we kill God's creative act and He knows as he has a book where he wrote us all down with all our parts when we were not formed totally yet. Gen 4:10 Innocent Blood has a voice to your Creator and he is angry against the shedder of it! Innocent Blood is plural and is bloods in Hebrew. Why plural as only one mans blood was shed? Cain killed off a line of descent as well when he killed Abel. A line of pontential men and women that may have done great things for God! They Say: They say they think it is a ball tissue until right about to be delivered. "They are not correct as thanks to science and modern technology we are discovering again what our ancestors already knew. A baby is a baby as early as three weeks after conception! Who is the they referred to? It is the misinformed who get there abortion knowledge from the misinformed and the ones with an agenda who know they lie. Why is abortion is so accepted in our generation and not previous generations? It was not always that way and women and men of centuries past also went thru hard times This generation has a love affair with death. Though I'm not a Roman Catholic, John Paul was correct on that point when he said that this generation loves death. You only have to look at what we watch and listen to. It is easy to see that. "Please say thank you to the Feminist"(very hard for me a man hurt by women to write) Even the Feminist Movement has changed I must thank Feminist for Life for pointing out something I knew nothing about that the originally feminist movement "foremothers" as they call them despite faults was strongly pro-life. http://www.feministsforlife.org/the-truth-about-susan-b-anthony/ is one link for the modern woman to check out on the views of the one founders of the feminist movement What is it? Life or Tissue? Is the abortion of a fetus really taking life or it just tissue as is thought by some. Before I delve into the science of birth let me define a fetus What is a fetus? According to http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Fetus The word fetus is from the Latin fetus, meaning offspring, bringing forth, hatching of young (Harper 2001). It has Indo-European roots related to sucking or suckling (American Heritage 2000). Foetus is an English variation on the Latin spelling, and has been in use since at least 1594, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, which describes "fetus" as the preferable spelling. Since the word "fetus" is not derived from the Latin verb foetare, the superior etymological spelling does not include the letter o (Peters 1998). The variant foetus or fœtus may have originated with an error by Saint Isidore of Seville, in 620 C.E. (Aronson 1997). The preferred spelling in the United States is fetus, but the variants foetus and fœtus persist in other English-speaking countries and in some medical contexts, as well as in some other languages (e.g., French). When is it a lifeform? It is just a bunch of tissue is heard by many pro abortion people. Really? Are they correct? Now I will use non abortion sites to prove the science. According to Medterms http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=3424 Fetus: An unborn offspring, from the embryo stage (the end of the eighth week after conception, when the major structures have formed) until birth. Eight weeks into conception it is considered having major structures formed! NOTE ARTICLE LOCATIONS OR AVAILIBILITY MAY CHANGE Embryo: An organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation, from fertilization to the beginning of the third month of pregnancy (in humans). After that point in time, an embryo is called a fetus. This is from the same website Article 3225 I now go to a site called EHD Endowment for Human development http://www.ehd.org I will show that the embroyo phase the phase before a fetus, there is a living breathing life form. "It is just a bunch of tissue," is what is said by some and that is not scientifically correct. According to their source at the EHD (van Heeswijk et al., 1990. 153.) "Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.1 By 4 weeks, the heart typically beats between 105 and 121 times per minute" 3 weeks after fertilization! Not 3 months the time it takes to get to embryo to fetus stage but still in embryo stage. The Congress of the USA may not have a defined time life begins but at conception is not a stretch if after 3 weeks the heart is pumping blood. Here is another source: http://www.webmd.com/baby/ss/slideshow-conception This source says the heart is beating at 5 weeks so is there a known time that it begins or it an estimate? Would I burn an old barn down hoping no one was in it or would I make sure as I respect life. And if it is discovered I errored would I not try to put out the fire. here the "fire" can be prevented to begin with. According to Princeton University, many sources believe that life indeed begins at conception. http://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/embryoquotes2 Is it really convenient? I ask you again does that sound like a convenient thing to do after all you have read so far. You may only spend a little money for the abortion none at all. But knowing what you know now can you even suggest it is a convenient thing to do? Please consider the children. "The Little Ones" Doctors and Abortion. Now I must address another piece to the puzzle. http://www.ama-assn.org/ad-com/polfind/Hlth-Ethics.pdf Direct from the source the AMA itself HEALTH AND ETHICS POLICIES OF THE AMA HOUSE OF DELEGATES Although not opposed to abortion they are opposed to so called partial birth abortion. They will call it intact dilatation and extraction"(or intact D&X) They do not see what is known to use as partial birth abortion as being a healthy thing for the woman under most circumstances H-5.982 They also are against doctors being forced to give abortions against their own conscience. H-5.995 The Hipprocratic Oath The modern doctors oath does not contain any prohibition of abortion in most cases. (Less than 10% contain this) The classic one from antiquity did contain that according to http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/hippocratic-oath-today.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/greek/greek_oath.html It is not a Christian Oath at all but a moral one none the less. Which brings me to my next point and final point. You do not even have to be a worshipper of your Creator the Lord of Glory His name his precious saving name has been omitted doing to many tearing up this work. See a tract on Salvation as this is not designed to save your soul but is designed to better inform you about Abortion. Even Atheists can agree that abortion is wrong. May the Lord mentioned in the Bible save them. They even know some of them that abortion is murder. http://www.godlessprolifers.org/home.html In short even if you are not a bible believer like the author of this. For your own sake as well as the sake of future descendents do not abort a life. Get Help http://www.4abortionalternatives.com/gethelp.html You can also call 1-800-848-LOVE(5683) or http://www.optionline.org/contactoptionline (800) 395-HELP